Facilitate roleplaying games for fun, learning, exploration, and inclusion.
We run collaborative roleplaying games for kids 8 to 18, and adults of any age! Our expert game facilitators have 10+ years of experience in making stories come alive, tailoring our tales to the group, and building on our core values of Fun, Learning, Exploration, and Inclusion.
Why roleplaying games?
Aside from just being fun, roleplaying games have a variety of benefits as well! For youth, roleplaying games strengthen skills such as critical thinking, collaboration, puzzle solving, and empathy. For both youth and adults it provides a realm for people to explore aspects of their identity, form social bonds, and exercise their creativity.
games we run
Dungeons & Dragons
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
Shadowrun (18+ only)
Lancer by Massif Press
Ryuutama: Natural Fantasy RPG
MouseGuard by David Petersen
No Thank You Evil
D20 Modern