Our Team

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Sam horne

President, Director of Outreach, and Games Facilitator

He / They

Sam earned a Master’s of Education from the University of Maryland, College Park. He taught middle school social studies for several years, and has been working with kids for much longer. He found his voice in roleplaying and over two decades he’s seen how the game can help players understand academics, build confidence, and develop social skills. During downtime he enjoys writing songs, and that music often finds its way into adventures!

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dee harris

Director of Operations and Finance, and Games Facilitator

They / Them

Dee has a Master’s of Education from the University of Maryland. They formerly taught middle school social studies, but made the transition to being a full time game facilitator in 2020. Dee has been playing roleplaying games for 15 years, has been running groups since 2008, and is a cofounder of Games Unbound. They value games as a fun and flexible way of learning. In their free time, they also make art, tell stories, and write games!

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Thomas Vorhies

Director of Program Development and Games Facilitator

He / Him

Tommy first began playing roleplaying games when he was eight years old. He has been running groups for 19 years, and has been playing roleplaying games for 25! He has played in and run an assortment of different games, including Dungeons & Dragons, D20 modern, and Dark Heresy. These games have reinforced his belief that the core of gaming is growth and fun, no matter what game you play!

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Carmen horne

Director of Communications

She / Her

Carmen brings with her over seven years of experience in communications strategy and development, community management, and social media marketing. She leads the Games Unbound communications across all departments and can often be found curled up in a comfy chair reviewing analytic data for fun. Although not a game facilitator herself, Carmen has been playing and enjoying roleplaying games for over 15 years!